the purpose of our work is to rid humanity of the fear of life, one person at a time
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A story and why we need your help Now

Dear friend,

Today we want to tell you a story. And we want to explain why we need your help so badly now.

In 2008, we stopped offering spiritual meetings (satsang) because, after 10 years of traveling to meet with people all over the country, we had come to see that we were doing nobody any good other than providing some temporary relief and pleasant experiences.

We knew from our own personal experience that a lot more than passing spiritual experiences was possible for everyone, so we focused our attention on the Internet, determined to speak with people outside of the spiritual arena and to bring to them the essence of the ancient practice of Self-Inquiry as presented by Ramana Maharshi, but stripped of all spiritual ideas.

We wanted to talk directly to people without the cloud of spiritual understanding. Our goal was to get to the core of the practice that had freed us and find a way to offer it to anyone willing to try it, regardless of their background. That's how we developed The Just One Look Method, which has already produced permanent results in the lives of thousands of people.


This website is operated by
a husband and wife team through
the Just One Look Foundation