Donate to Just One Look
Imagine a world where everybody has the opportunity to learn how to be free of fear and live a self-reliant, satisfying life, no matter their circumstances.
You can also send us a check (US banks only) or money order:
Just One Look Foundation
201 E. Ojai Avenue, 1566
Ojai, CA 93023
We’re a public non-profit organization. We depend on donations to survive. Less than 1% of our website users donate and still, we manage to serve thousands of people per month. Imagine if everyone gave just a little bit... We could reach thousands more people with our life-saving message.
The Just One Look Foundation is a public charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code and under the authority and supervision of the Internal Revenue Service and the California Franchise Tax Board.
Where your donation goes
People and Projects: We have only two people on staff, John and Carla Sherman, to support a variety of projects. We do all that we do with only the two of us. This makes your donation a great investment in a very efficient not-for-profit organization. With your donations, we'll be able to keep this work available to all free of charge.
Technology: Website, blog, podcast and forum development and maintenance.
Donations to our non-profit organization are tax-deductible for US residents.
Other ways to Support Our Work
Send us a Check or Money Order
You can send a one-time donation or set up a monthly donation by check with your bank's payment service. We can only accept US bank checks at the moment.
Please mail your contribution to:
Just One Look Foundation
201 E. Ojai Avenue, 1566
Ojai, California 93023
Donate Stocks
For more information on how to make your tax-deductible gift, please email us at and include your phone number and the best time to call you. We will return your call as soon as we can to give you the necessary information. Thank you.
Employee Matching Gifts Program
You can double your contribution to support our work at no extra cost to you. Many companies and corporations offer this program as a benefit to their employees and retirees who wish to donate to a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization. Your employer pledges to match your contribution to qualifying organizations.
Rules and regulations vary from company to company, but generally, your employer will match your donation 1:1 up to $1,000 or more a year. If you donate $100, your employer will give another $100. Some companies may also match in-kind gifts, or gifts of products and equipment (like computers).
Most often all you will need to do is complete a form and turn it in to your company.
Please take a moment to get a matching gift form from your HR/Personnel office and follow the directions to initiate a match. See your company's matching gift form for full information on matching gift eligibility and program limitations.
Donate with PayPal Giving Fund
Make a donation through PayPal Giving Fund. PayPal will waive their processing fees and we'll receive the entire amount of your donation. Please visit our PayPal Giving Fund Page for more information.
Donate on eBay for Charity
We are a registered with eBay for Charity. If you sell or buy an item on eBay, you can choose to donate the entire sale price or part of it to our non-profit organization. Simply log into your eBay account and choose the Just One Look Foundation as your favorite charity.

Donate at no cost to you
Make every purchase you make online count toward a donation at no cost to you.
iGive was established in 1997 and it is the first online shopping mall where a portion of each purchase benefits the shopper's favorite cause. iGive is a store rebate program where iGive members have the opportunity to donate their rebate to their chosen cause. Use our referral link to join today and a percentage of every online purchase you make will be sent to our organization as a donation.
Income tax deductions in the US
IRS information on deductions for charitable contributions
Information about our non-profit status
What does it mean to operate a 501(c)(3), public non-profit corporation?
Simply speaking, it means that John and Carla Sherman are the principal officers of a corporation that has been granted non-profit status by the IRS.
The process required to be granted that status began with the incorporation of the Just One Look Foundation as a California Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation on December 20, 2000. Upon the completion of the process of incorporation, we began the process of applying for non-profit exemption from the IRS. This process entailed a total of five years supervision by the IRS at the end of which we were granted full exemption from state and federal corporate income tax.
There is little or no difference in the day-to-day operations of a for-profit and a not-for-profit corporation other than that the income of a not-for-profit corporation is not passed on to anyone. In a public non-profit corporation profits can be spent only on programs in service to the mission that was defined in the IRS application, on salaries for staff, on equipment needed to serve the mission, and on general operating expenses. We are required by the IRS to file a comprehensive annual report designed to ensure that the organization remains in compliance with the rules.